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  • 93e275 5656

    @Slash_Alex OK thanks for the info. have a good one!!!

    okoli 18 ur
  • 93e275 5656

    anyone has ENT got to work?

    CORE: An exception occurred while executing 'EnhancedNativeTrainer.asi', id Exception addr 0xO0007FFD33A87FD7 is EnhancedNativeTrainer.asi+0x00A37FD7 Last called native 0x000000000000000

    2 dneva
  • 93e275 5656

    hey man!!!
    The default.fxc shader is already in use by VisualV, hence it does not work in the update.rpf folder after creating the win32_40_final folder.

    however, if you replace the visualV default.fxc file in update2.rpf with yours, its working.
    Just wanted to let you know.

    Have a nice weekende. :))

    19. okt 2024
  • 93e275 5656

    works fine on v1.0.3274.0 with the correct exe files

    My game just updated and added the battle eye anti cheat.
    i disabled battleEye in rockstar games launcher settings and downgraded the EXE files to v1.0.3274.0 -
    then download nolauncher 1.0 and it works. https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/no-gtavlauncher/download/39835

    Disconnect error while in loading screen is fixed by tab to desktop and start rockstar launcher.
    after you joined the game just close rockstar editor so it wont try to update whole game long.

    Yes you need to do this EVERY time you start your game to test your mods.
    But currently on v1.0.3274.0 everything works with scripts and so on.

    17. sep 2024
  • 93e275 5656

    Currently its not working as it should:

    Blips are showing and the dynasty signs are there, but when walking into blue circle, you can only "ring the bell", get a little text but if you try to hit enter or A on controller to buy, nothing happens.

    14. sep 2024
  • 93e275 5656

    first try for me with this mod. Installation went well, blips show up, purchasing works.

    some "dynasty" props are turned and bugging into the wall of the building.
    the 25 car agency cant be purchased, no white circle showing up.

    Also in my case it says "interior loading" or something, but when i try to enter the garage, after the screen goes black im just outside the garage again.
    No matter what floor i try to enter, i always end up outside again.

    just wanted to let you know. Have a great weekend. :)

    14. sep 2024
  • 93e275 5656

    just got back into modding my gta5 a little bit and since im a lambo fanboy i installed this gem!!!
    Very nice work, high quality model.

    I have a question regarding the yellow livery? any chance i can change the color? i cant find the texture in ytd. and couldnt find out which color in trainer defines the livery.


    28. dec 2023
  • 93e275 5656

    Hoffe du moddest auch mal ein bisschen in GTA6 rum, du alter Haudegen.

    16. okt 2023
  • 93e275 5656

    NO you didn't.....

    22. jun 2023
  • 93e275 5656

    i have those blue lines around every light emitting object in my game, anyone knows what causes this?
    is it the quantV 3.0 mod? i cant get rid of it

    27. feb 2022