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    Could you please make it work whenever ? It'd be cool if you could use it with like Flash mod , withoud a cop car.

    09. sep 2017
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    @sollaholla Hey bro, your Simple Zombies mod is so epic. But how do i update the mod without loosing my resource/ inventory and what i built in my safe zone ?

    16. jan 2017
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    @InfamousSabre Hey , awsome work. I like the mod very much , and i combined it with ''7 Visible Weapons on Player''. But i have a question. When i press tab button to open the weapon wheel, i needs arround 3sec to open it, but before i installed these mods , it opened right after button press. How do i make it open faster again ? Thanks in advance.

    28. okt 2016
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    This mod is awsome, it worked for me until now. I have saved a lot of cars, but yesterday i got the game up an running and i noticed that most of the cars are in their places but the first six cars i saved are gone, and the mod doesn't work. it spawns all other cars every time i open the game, like it should, but it won't save or unsave any other cars, nothing works except it spawns those cars where they are saved. What could be the problem ?

    12. okt 2016
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    Dude, thanks a lot. I tried everything , but this mod of yours just made everything worse. I had a fps like 20 to 30, and i used your settings.xml file, i used fps boost , and optional for increasing fps. And now my FPS is between 5 and 10, and game is unplayable. I uninstalled optional for increasing fps files. I deleted settings.xml filma and still this trash made some permanent changes , and i can't get the game back where it was before i installed this mod. How do i get everithing back in the original state? Lets say i want everithing to be as it was when i first installed the game.

    04. sep 2016
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    Hey , cool mod. Keep up the good work.
    Can you write a file for a car to spawn on garage entrance instead of a house entrance ? Correct the original file, upload it somewhere and give me link in comment bellow, i'd appreciate it very much.

    18. maj 2016