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  • 9af7ad download

    this Watch Dogs Hack mod is totally Busted i've tryed to put all files into Scripts folder launched the game and nothing happens the 3 hack people didn't show up on any of the three character's phone.

    03. jun 2016
  • 9af7ad download

    @Ghost_Rolly Excellent mod for backup just in case if your out numbered by Cops/Army Although Press I to call the AC-130 from the ground.
    Press L to take control of the AC130

    The I and L control keeps on Taking Back the Crew and letting them return to Base whenever i press the two controls there should be One button to let them return and that's either:Backspace or Esc

    The L Control is the same thing when i press that one to to take control of the AC130 just once or twice even holding it it's making the crew to go return to there Base and taking control of AC130 back and forth i've tried changing them in the readme text so far not Good at all hopefully it will get fixed.

    18. maj 2016
  • 9af7ad download

    Bank Robbery Mod didn't work I installed both Files correctly in scripts/addins and nothing happens went to Fleeca bank and did not steal the Money bag nor get any wanted stars i read the readme text and follow the Instructions we need a video Guide of this.

    18. maj 2016
  • 9af7ad download

    it's Missing it's Logo of Mitsubishi from the back.

    16. maj 2016
  • 9af7ad download

    It's Epic as ever You feel more like a Leader of the pack or a God in charge of the Forces

    15. maj 2016
  • 9af7ad download

    it didn't work Please make a video guide of how to install this mod all i had is: Rapidfire.dll and nothing else i have the latest version of Script Hook V dot.net V2.8 i placed the Rapidfire.dll into my Scripts folder launched the game and No Rapid fire as seen in the Videos do i need to follow DLL And ini plus read the notepad for this to Work [Mod]

    ; 'Enabled' the initial state of RapidFire (True/False)
    ; 'Interval' the interval in milliseconds (1 second is 1000 milliseconds) between firing
    ; 'ToggleMod' a Key to toggle the mod

    ; Look here for the keys https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.keys#enumerationSection
    ; Copy and paste the exact value and place it at 'ToggleMod'

    14. maj 2016
  • 9af7ad download

    i've tested this mod and it seems that the Ryo's Vinyl is Not Completely Working it goes Underneath the Mitsubishi Chassis the bottom and sticks there also when i use Script hook V + Native trainer spawned the Kuruma car i didn't see no Paint job on all sides of the Car in singleplayer.

    14. maj 2016
  • 9af7ad download

    so how's your Work of Vinyl mod doing

    14. maj 2016
  • 9af7ad download

    10/10 Masterpiece this is the best mod ever

    11. maj 2016
  • 9af7ad download

    They Don't shoot as much like the Cops/army does even with 7 People with any weapon they also can't fire there weapons while riding a Large Granger Suv even when hanging on the sides with Assault rifles on their hands nor can one person use the Insurgent pick-up with the Mounted Gun on top what a Bummer i'll wait until this gets updated and fixed.

    11. maj 2016