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@MereKinkajou155 it activates automatically on game start, if its not make sure the dll file is in the correct folder and you have installed the required files correctly hope that helps :)
@HarryWorner Thanks!
@dionys19 Thanks!
@Number1GojiFan no I don't do videos... if someone wants to use it in theirs they are more than welcome to though :), yeah more ped support is on my to do list. right now i just want to focus on getting the AI working well.
@DmitriyOOO custom audio requires a significant file size increase and adding of other libraries to the source script, Given the inclusion of my source with the released scripts Im already at about the largest file size I'm willing to upload. so I probably wont be doing that.
V2 should be released soon I burnt myself out debugging and took a break but Im back to working on the script so more updates soon hopefully :)
@allthenamesaretaken Thanks! realistically any model that is the same format as the "mp_s_m_armoured_01" ped should work if you just rename and replace the files. If you want to use another ped feel free to change it in the script source and recompile it obviously. look at line 45:
" this.Terminator = World.CreatePed(PedHash.Armoured01," and change the "Pedhash.Armoured01" to "Pedhash.<whatever_ped>" you just have to be careful with which ped model you use to replace... as if its a common one you could end up with terminator models all over the place... you would have to do some more research on it
@krissboo Lol Thank you!
@Saberninja710 The cops already should be considering the AI their primary target but yeah I might try to modify it further.
@sf500 Depends on the model type, GTA5 uses 2 model file structures that are not cross compatible unfortunately...
@allthenamesaretaken Thanks! yeah supporting more models is on my ever increasing to do list lol
@sf500 it does run yes, A big part of the movies was awesome vehicle chase sequences so that is something Id like to do. :)
@MrGlavez ... Fair point lol.
@Saberninja710 I like the idea of an ini file, Ill look into it.
Also thanks for the comments and feedback guys!
@Saberninja710 hey thanks! Removing bleeding effects is definitely high up on the list of things I want to do, frankly I'm not sure if I can pull it off but I am going to attempt it. A permanently destroyed state is something I have also been considering but if I do add it, its going to be really, really difficult to pull off.
@MrGlavez Hmmm not quite sure what you mean, also I'm trying to stay fairly true to the Terminator universe material of the first couple movies... they usually only send one Terminator against a target. My main goals in the future for this mod are a t-1000 version and continuing to improve the AI or find ways to better marry the terminator AI to the stock game (making other pedestrians flee from the terminator, making sparks fly off the terminator instead of blood when its shot... car chase handling... air chase handling... boat/water handling... and so on) also don"t take that as things that "will" eventually be a part of this mod... they are all just ideas I'm playing around with.
@JonasGAmesYT Thank you!