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    @valroy_cl my knowledge of programming is to basic and i've tired myself out trying to find the problem. It will eventually crash.

    If you installed the script correctly, all you need to do is activate the script (defaultkey "L") while driving your modded car. You can change the key in the .ini file if you wish.

    So first download and install this mod as the author says.
    Then edit EnhancedTaxiMissions.vb with a text editor and replace all the text in there with the code from the pastebin.
    Script is not very stable, your game will eventually crash, sorry i don't know how to fix that.

    15. avg 2017
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    It still seems to crash, i can't exactly pinpoint what the problem is.

    28. jun 2017
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    I have updated DigiDash edited version of the mod a bit, been playing it for 2 hours without crashing.
    Same deal as DigiDash, i'll remove the link if the author wants me to.

    go to: https://pastebin.com/dUkxzj6B
    copy and paste the text and save the file as EnhancedTaxiMissions.vb
    You don't need to change the .ini file, use the same one as the author.
    Use the same installation instructions as the author.

    27. jun 2017
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    Love everything this mod stands for.
    After some missions the game simply crashes though.
    I've been trying to find logs what exactly the problem is but don't know where to start finding the issue.

    @DigiDash posted his own edited version of this mod 50 comments back in the comments section.

    His version changed a few things:
    - It works now with 2 door cars
    - Addon cars also seem to work
    You have to edit the .vb file and add "vehiclespawnname" in the ValidCars() section

    Anyway i hope this gets updated so it no longer crashes.

    26. jun 2017