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This does not show up when spawned in singleplayer
I notice I can still see the LOD of the old building overlayed ontop of the new MLO for the structure. Any idea why that would be?
@Dualising Please tell me you were able to figure out how to change the phone problem, that would make this mod perfect.
How can I change the keybind that opens the menus for this mod? It conflicts with another mod I have:(
@ikON It would be great for this function because besides the fact I cant see my story blips this mod is fantastic, but with so many blips I really would need a way to turn them on or off or at least keep them off and just remember where the buildings are.
@cloby Please answer this because I cant find it in game based off the clothing code alone.
@jedijosh920 I realized the issue, I just need to read through all the comments because I found out I needed NativeUI to run this new version, no issue on your behalf. Thank you for the tip anyway though. Fantastic mod so far!
This mod looks awesome but after I installed it I haven't been able to find the shirts and I've looked all over Binco for it. looked in the openIV files for the textures and it shows that it's been replaced but I cant find them in game. Any solution to this?
I removed the old mod as I thought I would need to so it didn't conflict with the new version. After loading in no houses show up on my map like the last one, in fact I haven't been able to find any features in the previous one in this new version so I believe I've done something wrong when installing it but I wanted to check and ask you for assistance if you had any idea whats going on with it.