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@vista gamer Gracias mi amigo. Mis nenes son fans de tus videos.. jaja. Nunca creí emcontrarte por acá..
@InfamousSabre Thanks body. Hope you enjoy it.
@JoyLucien Thanks man.. I am gonna do this for the update. Good info.
@User20192910291 yes, the alleys are part of a bigger mod I am working on. It´s a big project but Hopefully soon it will have it´s first version. Thanks fort he coment man
@WolfFire23309 Hope you do that and show me. Thanks for the comment.
@JoyLucien yes, I don´t undertand why cause the ympas are really small.. I am leraning the hole process.. Can you give me some tips on how can I do that? Thanks man for the comment.
@abdo339 I don´t have that mod so I have no idea. The map mod a zone that usually is not modded cause it´s pretty hide, but I don´t know if the guys that develop that mod worked the zone. If they did.. I think the worst it could happend is that both maps will overlap themselves so the entitys will be one over the other. If you try it please tell me how it works.
@Mauluskus Yeah. thats the idea. To Recreate all the skid row area as it is in real life. I am Trying to bring the sensations I had touring it with google maps. It has so much potential and it´s so underexplode in the original game that it was incredible when I discover the existence of this neighborhood in the real L.A. I couldn´t believe this athmosphere wasn´t been exploded. I have no idea there was another mod before that works with this same idea in this area but I am glad both mods work well toghether. I am working on the version... 1.2? or 2.0? I don´t know what denomination it should have but it will contain the other 3 alleys in the zone so all the alleys in skid row will be reworked. Thanks for your comment man.. when you spend hours & hours doing something the words of approbattion of the people that use the mods gives us the feel that all this time invested in this have sense.
@mitto_backup Great, hope you find it usefull body. Upload videos or images here to show me.
@TheFaNTaS11 @TheFaNTaS11 Thanks man.