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    @sorbas anyway to make this work with the patrols from RDE? I already have police in the popcycle but I never seem to trigger this mod :(

    15. okt 2017
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    Can't wait for the @lefix speedo/fuel mod update :)

    16. dec 2016
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    Devastating that this and the speedo stopped working, LeFix! They were the best.

    Now what am I supposed to do? :<

    09. okt 2016
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    why did this stop working all of a sudden?

    21. feb 2016
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    what's new in .91b? should i update if i don't have any probs?

    11. jul 2015
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    > @MAFINS Will upload soon.
    > about 14 hours ago

    10. jul 2015
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    Change "Warning you are speeding, pull over" to:

    "Radar Detector: Ka Alert - (meter or percentage)"

    Have this triggered earlier so you have time to slow down, and have the detection in increments (10% signal, 20%, 30%, etc). Failure to lower speed when the car is in full range of the speed trap (100% signal strength) then results in a message ie. "Radar Caught 98MPH in 65MPH Zone" and trigger either pull over and pay fine for infractions less than 20MPH over the limit, or hot pursuit (wanted level) for speeding more than 20MPH over the limit.

    21. jun 2015
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    Love all the improvements you've made so far over the older Fuel Mod, so please definitely continue this project; it's something we really need for teh realism. ;0

    My only gripes right now are A) you can't refill your car with a jerry can, which was a great feature from the last Fuel Mod that allowed you to have an alternate solution and potentially prevent a game-breaking/quest-failing moment during gameplay, and B) while using a XBOX360 controller the fuel level does not decrease (or at least show any Inst. stats for fuel consumption) below a certain threshold on the throttle. That is, I can just lightly depress the "gas pedal"/right-trigger and to about 5000RPM/65MPH before the fuel mod detects anything. I would say the deadzone is about 20%-40% and it feels a bit cheat-y.

    Thanks again for the work so far

    21. jun 2015
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    What about having the on-screen text changed to something more immersive? Right now it's kind of glaring and awkward (how are these cops yelling at me as I fly by at 100mph),

    An idea I had was to emulate the display of a standard radar detector.
    Speed Cameras: K-Signal with meter
    Police Radar: Ka-Signal with meter
    Police LASER: L-Signal with meter

    Maybe this way you could get a heads-up when you're entering a speed zone, and subsequently a notification telling you A) Were you caught speeding? B) How fast were you going? C) Pull over and Pay Fine (perhaps relative to degree of violation?) or Start Hot Pursuit?

    Great job with everything so far tho and thanks for sharing this

    21. jun 2015