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the front grille is from prefacelifting.the designation is also prefacelifting. and the trunk lid is from a facelifting
не маленький?
it's 2012, not 2009
great model. there are even doorways. but, unfortunately, there is no bottom. At least the texture would stretch.
зачем джойстик управления зеркал на пассажирском дверной ручке? там заглушка в цвет подлокотника.
why is there a mirror control stick on the passenger door handle? there is a plug in the color of the armrest.
@HRH конечно нужны US -номера
good job, but no doorways, no normal opening under the hood, and texture instead of the engine.
Bug. When completing a mission, when the Navigator leads, runs out of gas and the Navigator points to the gas station, then after refueling, the paved path on the Navigator does not appear.
Баг. При выполнении миссии, когда навигатор ведет, кончается бензин и навигатор показывает на заправку, то после заправки не появляется проложенный путь на навигаторе.
great job, but no doorways
no animation for folding roof
а так отличная машинка