Who Dat Ped on Steroids - Dox any Ped, Ambient or Addon 6
Change log 6 - Steroid Version
Essentially rewritten from scratch, the script now allows you to add any comments you want to any ped. It also identifies cars and will be modified in the future to document your addon cars such as engine type, cylinders, horsepower, torque, etc.
Enable script with T if using ini file.
(Default toggle on/off is the Y key, but I set it to T in the ini. Can be changed in ini. file)
To document any ped, you can't change the first value because that's the ped id.
All fields must end with a ; (semicolon).
The documentation file is called DatPedList.txt and is prepopulated with over 500 peds.
1165780219; a_f_y_fitness_01;Fitness Female;running;weights;swimming;boxing;
You don't touch the first value, everything else is up to you. Limit of 6 fields after the id.
IMPORTANT: each field ends with semicolon.
This script, fully functional, identifies vanilla peds by name along with their ids. With this major upgrade it allows you to capture, store, and display information about your addon peds. Vehicles are also scanned for easy identification.
Scanning for peds and vehicles is enabled on keypress, it will display ambient peds information: hex, decimal, and spawn name. Just get close to the ped and description will appear magically. To save information (the decimal id) for an addon ped, or for a vanilla ped, hit the T key and it will be appended to the included text file.
Changelog version 4 - major update
Now scans for both peds and also vehicles. For vehicles it returns the name, class, and hex/decimal hash.
Changelog version 3 - major update
Based on suggestion by @Combativechenko, you can now capture, store, and display details about addon peds or vanilla peds.
K key: original script
T key: to capture and append the decimal hash of any ped. Works with or independently of K key script. This info is appended to a text file called addonpedlist.txt in your Scripts folder. The user, you, completes the info for Name; CIty; Skills using the semi colon as the delimiter. You then restart you script.
changelog version 2
Redone with "English" ped name as well as spawn name, decimal and hex hashes.
The subtitles have been replaced with scaled text fonts. See the new video
Installation: in Scripts or scripts folder.
Requirements: scripthook five and scripthook five dot net
Essentially rewritten from scratch, the script now allows you to add any comments you want to any ped. It also identifies cars and will be modified in the future to document your addon cars such as engine type, cylinders, horsepower, torque, etc.
Enable script with T if using ini file.
(Default toggle on/off is the Y key, but I set it to T in the ini. Can be changed in ini. file)
To document any ped, you can't change the first value because that's the ped id.
All fields must end with a ; (semicolon).
The documentation file is called DatPedList.txt and is prepopulated with over 500 peds.
1165780219; a_f_y_fitness_01;Fitness Female;running;weights;swimming;boxing;
You don't touch the first value, everything else is up to you. Limit of 6 fields after the id.
IMPORTANT: each field ends with semicolon.
This script, fully functional, identifies vanilla peds by name along with their ids. With this major upgrade it allows you to capture, store, and display information about your addon peds. Vehicles are also scanned for easy identification.
Scanning for peds and vehicles is enabled on keypress, it will display ambient peds information: hex, decimal, and spawn name. Just get close to the ped and description will appear magically. To save information (the decimal id) for an addon ped, or for a vanilla ped, hit the T key and it will be appended to the included text file.
Changelog version 4 - major update
Now scans for both peds and also vehicles. For vehicles it returns the name, class, and hex/decimal hash.
Changelog version 3 - major update
Based on suggestion by @Combativechenko, you can now capture, store, and display details about addon peds or vanilla peds.
K key: original script
T key: to capture and append the decimal hash of any ped. Works with or independently of K key script. This info is appended to a text file called addonpedlist.txt in your Scripts folder. The user, you, completes the info for Name; CIty; Skills using the semi colon as the delimiter. You then restart you script.
changelog version 2
Redone with "English" ped name as well as spawn name, decimal and hex hashes.
The subtitles have been replaced with scaled text fonts. See the new video
Installation: in Scripts or scripts folder.
Requirements: scripthook five and scripthook five dot net
First Uploaded: 19. jan 2025
Last Updated: 26. jan 2025
Last Downloaded: okoli 2 uri
More mods by JohnFromGWN:
Change log 6 - Steroid Version
Essentially rewritten from scratch, the script now allows you to add any comments you want to any ped. It also identifies cars and will be modified in the future to document your addon cars such as engine type, cylinders, horsepower, torque, etc.
Enable script with T if using ini file.
(Default toggle on/off is the Y key, but I set it to T in the ini. Can be changed in ini. file)
To document any ped, you can't change the first value because that's the ped id.
All fields must end with a ; (semicolon).
The documentation file is called DatPedList.txt and is prepopulated with over 500 peds.
1165780219; a_f_y_fitness_01;Fitness Female;running;weights;swimming;boxing;
You don't touch the first value, everything else is up to you. Limit of 6 fields after the id.
IMPORTANT: each field ends with semicolon.
This script, fully functional, identifies vanilla peds by name along with their ids. With this major upgrade it allows you to capture, store, and display information about your addon peds. Vehicles are also scanned for easy identification.
Scanning for peds and vehicles is enabled on keypress, it will display ambient peds information: hex, decimal, and spawn name. Just get close to the ped and description will appear magically. To save information (the decimal id) for an addon ped, or for a vanilla ped, hit the T key and it will be appended to the included text file.
Changelog version 4 - major update
Now scans for both peds and also vehicles. For vehicles it returns the name, class, and hex/decimal hash.
Changelog version 3 - major update
Based on suggestion by @Combativechenko, you can now capture, store, and display details about addon peds or vanilla peds.
K key: original script
T key: to capture and append the decimal hash of any ped. Works with or independently of K key script. This info is appended to a text file called addonpedlist.txt in your Scripts folder. The user, you, completes the info for Name; CIty; Skills using the semi colon as the delimiter. You then restart you script.
changelog version 2
Redone with "English" ped name as well as spawn name, decimal and hex hashes.
The subtitles have been replaced with scaled text fonts. See the new video
Installation: in Scripts or scripts folder.
Requirements: scripthook five and scripthook five dot net
Essentially rewritten from scratch, the script now allows you to add any comments you want to any ped. It also identifies cars and will be modified in the future to document your addon cars such as engine type, cylinders, horsepower, torque, etc.
Enable script with T if using ini file.
(Default toggle on/off is the Y key, but I set it to T in the ini. Can be changed in ini. file)
To document any ped, you can't change the first value because that's the ped id.
All fields must end with a ; (semicolon).
The documentation file is called DatPedList.txt and is prepopulated with over 500 peds.
1165780219; a_f_y_fitness_01;Fitness Female;running;weights;swimming;boxing;
You don't touch the first value, everything else is up to you. Limit of 6 fields after the id.
IMPORTANT: each field ends with semicolon.
This script, fully functional, identifies vanilla peds by name along with their ids. With this major upgrade it allows you to capture, store, and display information about your addon peds. Vehicles are also scanned for easy identification.
Scanning for peds and vehicles is enabled on keypress, it will display ambient peds information: hex, decimal, and spawn name. Just get close to the ped and description will appear magically. To save information (the decimal id) for an addon ped, or for a vanilla ped, hit the T key and it will be appended to the included text file.
Changelog version 4 - major update
Now scans for both peds and also vehicles. For vehicles it returns the name, class, and hex/decimal hash.
Changelog version 3 - major update
Based on suggestion by @Combativechenko, you can now capture, store, and display details about addon peds or vanilla peds.
K key: original script
T key: to capture and append the decimal hash of any ped. Works with or independently of K key script. This info is appended to a text file called addonpedlist.txt in your Scripts folder. The user, you, completes the info for Name; CIty; Skills using the semi colon as the delimiter. You then restart you script.
changelog version 2
Redone with "English" ped name as well as spawn name, decimal and hex hashes.
The subtitles have been replaced with scaled text fonts. See the new video
Installation: in Scripts or scripts folder.
Requirements: scripthook five and scripthook five dot net
First Uploaded: 19. jan 2025
Last Updated: 26. jan 2025
Last Downloaded: okoli 2 uri
If anyone is interested in this script, or a standalone script, which allows you to document all your Ferrari, Lambo, McLaren, Muscle, Classic, or whatever addon cars let me know. We can include engine, cylinders, dimensions, class, horspower, torque, country of origin...anything is possible.
@ALEXSYS Can you give me an example of a ped (spawn name), one that works with a trainer. but not when you look at its ped meta and tell me what the walking style is (even though it is wrong). Also, Im guessing you checked this:
I'll look at the native functions again to see if there is a function to return the walking style.I only know the one to set the walking style
void SET_PED_ALTERNATE_WALK_ANIM(Ped ped, const char* animDict, const char* animName, float p3, BOOL p4)
The other possibility is a native that returns the animation but walking would have to be captured while the ped is walking.
for example, we have:
void SET_PED_MOVEMENT_CLIPSET(Ped ped, const char* clipSet, float transitionSpeed)
But what we would need is more like (which I just made up)
@JohnFromGWN I'll used it with some peds that I install (not vanilla peds), but seriously it works with any ped, for example this one - MOVE_F@EXHAUSTED, When I select this walkstyle with the help of Simple Trainer by @sjaak327, and I never seen's any problems with that, with Rampage Trainer by @RampageDev is also worked with any ped, but I don't remember the walkstyles names, that texted in Rampage's menu, of course I know that some of walkstyles can be used with the one ped only, and if I select that walkstyle to some other ped, ped just start glitching, but this is not the same, cause when some walkstyle has an wrong name in the peds.meta file, the game just crash.
@JohnFromGWN Looks like I was wrong about this walkstyle - MOVE_F@EXHAUSTED, cause now I tries to select this walkstyle with the Simple Trainer by @sjaak327, and nothing is happens, but most likely I just confused it with another walkstyle, this - ANIM@MOVE_F@GROOVING@ or any other grooving walkstyle, cause this walkstyle is working when I select it with the help of Simple Trainer by @sjaak327, and almost all the walkstyles is work with this trainer, and some of similar walkstyles also working with Rampage Trainer by @RampageDev, so that's it. I tested it just now with G_F_Y_Vagos_01 ped, but I think it's doesn't matter what are model is used with.
@ALEXSYS If you want, i can write you a script, not compiled, just plain text you can edit, that would allow you to edit the walking style for testing purposes. Once you have the proper one, hopefully it will allow you to use that string in your meta file. In passing, the odds this script would crash your game should be absolutely minimal - so far better than crashing your game with meta data.
@JohnFromGWN That's good, but I have never been engaged in scripts and I don't know what to do there, you sure that I can do this?
@ALEXSYS I'm going to give you a plain text file with 3 variables
1. the key to trigger
2. the name of the ped
3. the walking style
You open the script in notepad or whatever you have as a text editor. It does not need to be compiled.
You then insert your values. For example if your addonped is Lara, you enter Lara or whatever the ytd, ymt, ydd, and yft use as prefix.
The advantages of the script:
1. unlikely to crash your game
2. you don't need to close the game, edit your meta file, relaunch your game. Instead you restart your script from the game after you try another walk style. Restart is insert by default i think (I use F11).
@JohnFromGWN Okay, now I see that it is very simple, I will look forward to your script.
@ALEXSYS copy and paste the text below as a text file. But instead of Test.txt make sure it is Test.3.cs. The test part is not important but the .3 indicates SHVDN 3 and the .cs means C#. So extension .3.cs and in the scripts folder.
the only variables you need for testing are the top 3, PedModelName, walkStyle, and triggerKey.
Trigger can also be set to a function key. for ex. Keys.F5;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using GTA;
using GTA.Math;
using GTA.Native;
public class WalkStylePed : Script
private const string PedModelName = "Kira";
private string walkStyle = "move_injured_generic";
private Keys triggerKey = Keys.T;
private Ped MyPed; //don't change
public WalkStylePed()
this.KeyDown += OnKeyDown;
// When the defined key is pressed
private void OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == triggerKey)
private void SpawnAndWalkDrunkPed()
Vector3 spawnPosition = Game.Player.Character.Position + new Vector3(12, 5, 0);
MyPed = World.CreatePed(PedModelName, spawnPosition); // Create the ped
Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_MOVEMENT_CLIPSET, MyPed, walkStyle, 1.0f);
Vector3 playerPosition = Game.Player.Character.Position;
@JohnFromGWN Well, I did that, but my ped is always spawns with the default walkstyle... what can goes wrong here?
@ALEXSYS Ok. Just to be clear the script will not fix your issue. The script is just to see if you have the right command. If the command doesn't work you need to test another one until you get the desired walkstyle. Once you have the correct walkstyle then hopefully it will work in your peds.meta.
@ALEXSYS Also keep in mind that certain walkstyles might not be applicable to all peds. For example, scenarios may work for a female and not a male ped. Perhaps the same applies to walkstyles. But getting back to the script, it is purely for testing purposes. If your ped did walk, it means the script worked.
@JohnFromGWN I unerstand that it's for testing purposes, I just tried the walkstyles like - MOVE_F@GENERIC, MOVE_M@BRAVE, and AMBIENT_WALK_VARIATION_F_ARROGANT_B, it's not works, but when I insert this walkstyle - MOVE_F@ARROGANT@A, and this - AMBIENT_WALK_VARIATION_F_SAD_A, it work, so anyway I know that some walkstyles can nott be used for any ped. So I will continue to testing it, I think I will found more current walkstyle names with this script🙂 thank you for helping me with this, it really means a lot for me👏
@ALEXSYS glad to help. good luck.
the color of some places overlaps with the game screen. You can use the SET_TEXT_OUTLINE function to add a layer of stroke effect to the text.It can be set as an optional configuration feature
@JoyLucien Not a fan of outlines or different colour strokes. Green text on green grass obviously isn't going to appear properly. Similarly, black text against a black sky, white text on a white wall, etc. The simple solution is to move the mouse so that the text appears against a suitable background. I prefer clean text rather than something that looks like a 1990s website.
@JohnFromGWN I'd like to see that, the cars specs that is.
@JohnFromGWN The effect of adding shadows like game subtitles is also good, but I don't know which function it uses
@JoyLucien for scaled fonts
void SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW or void SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW(int distance, int r, int g, int b, int a)
@JohnFromGWN ok