
Arthur Morgan RDR2 3 Outfits 2.0


Description: well i wanted arthur morgan in this game so bad, but no one made him yet so i was thinking maybe i can do him with mp even retext a bit if i have too, the face didn't came out like him but i gess that will do for now.
after i started gta and i saw there is a lot of options then i was like i don't even need to retext.
optional: if you don't like what i did then try you'r self to make one there is tone of options good ones just download menyoo or trainer and you can do it i recommend menyoo.

how to install: just put the files from the folder in the menyoostuff/Outfit/ and you done in game just load it in from player options/ wardrobe/Outfit.

mods that in the pictures:




2.0- new retextrue to some outfits, and changes is face
if you want the belt and gun holster that's in the pictures then download this mod- https://www.gta5-mods.com/player/john-marston-ped-modell
and past, from the props folder to where its saying in the read me.
and to get rid, from the hat just go to MARSTON.cs open it with noteped
and just delete all that -
mask = World.CreateProp(new Model("prop_welding_mask_01"), Vector3.Zero, false, false);
mask.FreezePosition = true;
mask.IsInvincible = true;
Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_PROOFS, mask, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true);
mask.AttachTo(playerPed, Function.Call(Hash.GET_PED_BONE_INDEX, playerPed.Handle, Bone.FACIAL_facialRoot.GetHashCode()), new Vector3(0, .1f, 0), new Vector3(90 * 3, 0, 0));
maskOn = true;
and you'r done.
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First Uploaded: 22. dec 2018
Last Updated: 24. dec 2018
Last Downloaded: 1 dan

All Versions

 2.0 (current)

1.009 downloads , 300 KB
24. dec 2018


229 downloads , 50 MB
22. dec 2018