Challenge Course 1 v1.3
A fun challenge course with windmills and jumps.
Use any vehicle you want..
Extended the course
Fixed a bug causing one of the ramps to spaz out
v 1.3
Fixed a bug Updated file name and readme file
1. Make sure you have SimpleTrainer (v 2.2 or newer) by sjaak327 installed.
2. Drop the .ini file in your main GTA 5 folder
3. Start the game, and load the .ini file via Simple Trainer. (Simple Trainer menu-> Object Spawning-> Save/load objects from objects.ini-> Search for ini files in V's main Directory)
(delete last 500 objects before reloading the objects file, or the game will crash)
Use any vehicle you want..
v 1.3
1. Make sure you have SimpleTrainer (v 2.2 or newer) by sjaak327 installed.
2. Drop the .ini file in your main GTA 5 folder
3. Start the game, and load the .ini file via Simple Trainer. (Simple Trainer menu-> Object Spawning-> Save/load objects from objects.ini-> Search for ini files in V's main Directory)
(delete last 500 objects before reloading the objects file, or the game will crash)
First Uploaded: 26. jul 2015
Last Updated: 22. avg 2015
Last Downloaded: 1 dan
More mods by Cobraa94:
A fun challenge course with windmills and jumps.
Use any vehicle you want..
Extended the course
Fixed a bug causing one of the ramps to spaz out
v 1.3
Fixed a bug Updated file name and readme file
1. Make sure you have SimpleTrainer (v 2.2 or newer) by sjaak327 installed.
2. Drop the .ini file in your main GTA 5 folder
3. Start the game, and load the .ini file via Simple Trainer. (Simple Trainer menu-> Object Spawning-> Save/load objects from objects.ini-> Search for ini files in V's main Directory)
(delete last 500 objects before reloading the objects file, or the game will crash)
Use any vehicle you want..
v 1.3
1. Make sure you have SimpleTrainer (v 2.2 or newer) by sjaak327 installed.
2. Drop the .ini file in your main GTA 5 folder
3. Start the game, and load the .ini file via Simple Trainer. (Simple Trainer menu-> Object Spawning-> Save/load objects from objects.ini-> Search for ini files in V's main Directory)
(delete last 500 objects before reloading the objects file, or the game will crash)
First Uploaded: 26. jul 2015
Last Updated: 22. avg 2015
Last Downloaded: 1 dan
Challenge Course 2:
Challenge Course 3:
Thanks for this fun mod! Made a video for it aswell!
Thanks for the help it wokred, but now i have a problem with script hook. AFter 10min the game crashes and it says something like: scipt hook v error ...... I have the newest version of scipt hook and adi loader so why does it crashes everytime?
It could be because you loaded the .ini file too many times. Always press "Delete last 500 objects" before spawning in another .ini file. If this isn't the reason, I have no idea what your problem could be.
ah that could be thanks a lot ill try it with deleting :)
@Cobraa94 Playing around with simple trainer tools, I understand how it all works now. I was able to put windmills buried in the street watching as peds were thrown by the blades lol. Is this the correct list of model numbers? >
@pertnear58 yea, that's the list I use. Almost eveything you see there can be spawned.
@Cobraa94 hi u can find more spawn able things in the simple trainer itself - maybe cause that things in the list were for/from xbox and ps3 in the past...lot of vegetations like trees and bushes u can spawn by simple trainer, but not trees from the prop list are working - maybe they got other names in the pc-version...I would like to get the simple trainer with a prop-list that would be in so amazing creative since this mods are storable !!!!!
@T_Harmony I'be been thinking the exact same thing. Maybe the list is from another platform, I couldn't spawn trees either.
Although it's the best list I've found so far, if you find a better list... let me know :)
@Cobraa94 I wrote to sjaak to think about categorizing the objects - list inside of his trainer...if that´s too much work, all people who use the object-spawning could be part of creating a list with the simple trainer´s list - means the prop-name like: prop_test_block_blocker and add a comment like "big quaver, brown stone skin" so in future to have an more easy overview of the objects. This list should be up-and download -able so that anybody could help to fill it with contence - and slowly we could work more easy and quickly on creative mods :-)
@T_Harmony categorizing is a good idea, since there are sooo many props. Let's see what sjaak says, if it's too much work for him, other modders could help out like you said. But let's wait for sjaaks answer first.
Nice track, can u help me? How can i do something like this??
how to open and control @T_Harmony
@karimali hi - i was longer not here - what u like to know?
@T_Harmony i now how to control thx
@Cobraa94 Hey, another great challenge, I've done a speedrun on this one aswell and added it to the sponsored links, although I do have a question, when I fall of the course is there some teleport linked to it in the trainer or do I have to reload the objects each time? Thanks!
@RedJack Under "Teleport Save" you can manually save your location.
Over-write Franklin's house for example.