Airport Improvement 0.4PR
22. avg 2017
Here is what I have planned for the future:
-Better UI
-More Planes That You Can Fly
-More Realistic Parking
-More Realism :)
- Download
-Read the readme to make sure all necessary files are installed and an important note for users!!
-It includes any files you need
-Choose your Game Version
- Open the .exe and Make Sure your Game Directory is Correct!
-Enter the Game and Enjoy!
0.1: Alpha Release
0.2: -Fixed an Issue Where Peds Would Randomly Spawn in the Street
-Fixed an Issue where Some Barriers you could Spawn though
0.2b- More 777 Planes Added!
0.3: -Fixed a major bug not letting the mod load.
-The Parking Garage 1 was remodeled
-More Planes have been added
-More Realistic Tarmac ( Where the Planes are Parked)
- The Installation is now an .exe to make everything easier to use
0.4PA: -New Install Software to prevent ReUploads
-Stability fixes
-Preparations for Next Big Update
-Map Editor Version Upgrade 2.13
**PLEASE NOTE: This version is in an early stage and there may be bugs. Please report any in the comments section below!**
First Uploaded: 25. avg 2015
Last Updated: 10. sep 2016
Last Downloaded: 3 dnevi
More mods by Skier_Dude:
Here is what I have planned for the future:
-Better UI
-More Planes That You Can Fly
-More Realistic Parking
-More Realism :)
- Download
-Read the readme to make sure all necessary files are installed and an important note for users!!
-It includes any files you need
-Choose your Game Version
- Open the .exe and Make Sure your Game Directory is Correct!
-Enter the Game and Enjoy!
0.1: Alpha Release
0.2: -Fixed an Issue Where Peds Would Randomly Spawn in the Street
-Fixed an Issue where Some Barriers you could Spawn though
0.2b- More 777 Planes Added!
0.3: -Fixed a major bug not letting the mod load.
-The Parking Garage 1 was remodeled
-More Planes have been added
-More Realistic Tarmac ( Where the Planes are Parked)
- The Installation is now an .exe to make everything easier to use
0.4PA: -New Install Software to prevent ReUploads
-Stability fixes
-Preparations for Next Big Update
-Map Editor Version Upgrade 2.13
**PLEASE NOTE: This version is in an early stage and there may be bugs. Please report any in the comments section below!**
First Uploaded: 25. avg 2015
Last Updated: 10. sep 2016
Last Downloaded: 3 dnevi
I will be taking a short break as I will be going away but I will be back Monday. Please provide any comments questions or ideas and I will respond!
28. avg 2015 -
Is it possible to only add the more planes part? And is the more airplanes part by the Jake17689 guy or by you?
07. sep 2015 -
I love this mod, would you perhaps be interested of doing the runways all over again, I mean they are hilarious, no jet can even taxi in them cause they are so narrow. For example in the future someone makes a model of Mrija, the Antonov 225, so it would be atleast possible to play with it.
19. jan 2016 -
@irishfever1 No. I've been working on LSPDFR so I've been busy. I am definitely going to update the mod, it just depends when I have the time. Don't worry though, I've been silently working on it in the background :)
19. jun 2016 -
@Skier_Dude Ahh right. Only 9 months late but better late than never haha!
20. jun 2016 -
Love it it makes the airport look way better. I use it with the airport 3 mod and have it set to auto load on startup on the game. I have one recommendation and that's if you can somehow make the firefighters be practicing on the fake plane.
14. jul 2016 -
Is there any way to increase the plane traffic. And make them land and so on like real pilots?
28. avg 2016 -
How can you load the "map" ? because I can't see a change even tough I installed it
03. dec 2016
Wow its been awhile! I have been so busy I forgot about this. I'm reinstalling the game fresh to remove previous mods and will return working on this mod as well as others. I'm sorry I haven't uploaded a update in a year but I promise there will be some coming very very soon. Stay tuned!